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Aislinn Weidele, Jeffery Klier

Karen and I were at her cousin Jeffery's wedding last weekend. Then we went down to Maryland for Passover, followed by two days on Long Island with our friends Anthony and Anna...well, actually, that's where we are now. And I'm blogging?!...

Our good friend Tom Carter e-mailed us the link to the video posted @ The video's a fully-edited profile of Jeffery and Aislinn and their relationship, including what seems to be stock footage from ther Times, especially in the SantaCon section.

To view the video click here or on the photo of Jeffery and Aislinn above. I have not yet watched the entire video, but am just AMAZED that the whole "fifteen minutes" thing has become undone. We are all part of our own media blitz. blog on!


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