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Where I'll be tomorrow...

Tomorrow I’ll be at the Right Window Gallery in ATA (Artists Television Access) building, 992 Valencia Street at 21st, San Francisco.

In fact I will be IN the right window gallery… as part of a live performance series entitled "Looking but Not Touching," curated
by Cassie Riger []. The performances will be staged inside the window space, and the audience will watch from the sidewalk.

I will be part of Moira Roth's performance "Pt. 1, 'Rachel Marker, Franz Kafka and the Golem, Prague 1924-1939" – this Sunday, May 11, 5:00-5:15 p.m.

I’ll be the Golem -- mute and strong -- very me...

Really not sure how I got this gig...admire Moira to pieces, thrilled to be there and looking forward to writing "golem" in Hebrew backwards on my forehead with my son's washable markers. It'll be my costume.

Oh, and I did shave my head, completely...I've been wanting to do that for years.

I’ll post more on this after it’s done.


Unknown said…
You shaved your head?? That's huge!! (I clicked on the picture to see you better and got a photo of a bunch of young women in their, what's up with that?)
loveitallabove said…
I shaved my head to play a Golem.

You click the picture and you see members of the band Golem...well, the female members modeling underwear.

I call my haircut Anthony.
Anonymous said…
Dude, that's some freaky bald head-ed shit you got going on. Whassup wid dat? (see, I still speak American-ese !)
loveitallabove said…
you're still my favourite, billy.

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