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What My Dear Friend Billy Writes...

Click the pic to read "16 Reasons Why Sarah Palin Sucks" and click the link here to read Billy Smash.

Dig the New Breed!

Here's what Billy say:

Palin-icity: The trick of being an expert on something due to its proximity

Hey Thanks Sarah Palin !

Thanks to your repeated claim to foreign policy experience due to Alaksa being close to Russia, I too can claim expertise in a countless number of things that I have no fucking clue about.

Pressed about what insights into recent Russian actions she gained by living in Alaska, Palin answered: “They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”

So if you have any illnesses you need identified, go ahead and ask me. I’m not a doctor and I have no clue about science or medicine, but I do live near a doctor’s office. I see it every day.

Thanks to the Palin doctrine, I also prepared to represent myself in all legal proceedings. There are many lawyers near my home. Thanks to my “Palinicity” to them, if you ever need legal advice, I’m your man.

Palinicity means that I can cook nearly anything, thanks to my local restaurants….
…that I am an art historian, due to the fine museums in my city of London
…that I can Palinicity means that I can consider myself a qualified electrician, since I watch a lot of TV
…that I can perform the sacraments of the church, due to all the houses of worship near my home

But perhaps coolest of all, because of all the planes I see everyday criss-crossing the sky, I now consider myself to be a qualified pilot. Anyone want to get on a plane being piloted by me? Come on! I’ve got Palinicity, and that means you should feel confident putting your lives in my otherwise ignorant redneck hands.

Good luck America !

Billy used to live in America. Now he lives in London. Go, Billy, Go! We miss you, but we understand....


Anonymous said…
Yo ! Thanks for the shout-out. Thanks to my Palinicity to my computer, I now also consider myself a computer programmer.

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