I just had this totally amazing experience. Working with Beth Kanter and a host of others (esp. -- SF Foundation! Hewlett! Grants for the Arts! Wallace! Theatre Bay Area! Koret! ), we've got this great program Leveraging Social Media ( READ MORE HERE ) going @jewseum . I am sharing a table with two men from the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus , the oldest Gay Men's Chorus in the country. And as we went around with introductions, one of the men representing the SFGMC said something like - we are still not sure if there's value in using Twitter. I did a quick search for "gay mens chorus" on Twitter - part of the "listening" Beth Kanter encourages as Stage 1. The results early on included the "tweets" below for Gay Men's Choruses around the country. WOW! Read: "Beth's Work Has Impact." Thank you, Beth. ...and it's not so much about the money, right? it's actually about 'influencers' and meaningful...