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Audience Feedback 2.0: Intrinsic Impact at the CJM

Thanks to Theatre Bay Area, Alan Brown walked us through his study findings Stop Taking Attendance and Start Measuring the True Impacts of Your Programs Major University Presenters’ Value & Impact Study, Presentation by Alan Brown and Jennifer Novak at the Arts Presenters Conference (January 11, 2008) to download presentation click here.

One of the primary messages is that you have to balance readiness and impact. Marketing can help create that level of anticipation.

Captivation and Personal Involvement!

The Hypothesis:

“Readiness to Receive” + The Performance Experience = Intrinsic Impact

Alan Brown draws our attention to the University of Florida's Performing Arts annual report, which actually includes intrinsic value in its annual report:

Although our mission is not defined in terms of ticket sales and financial metrics, we previously reported only those figures to funders, foundations, university administrators, board members and staff. Anecdotal evidence of the transformative and non- economic impact is evident and reliable. During in-depth interviews conducted at the Philips Center during the 2004-05 and 2005-06 seasons, patrons frequently cited childhood experiences with the performing arts that they carried with them long into adulthood. The intrinsic impacts of the UFPA 2007-08 season include captivation, intellectual stimulation, emotional resonance, spiritual value, aesthetic growth and social bonding.

University of Florida Performing Arts ANNUAL REPORT 2007-08 p. 14

Robert Sweibel of the BerkeleyRep said it well, when he said that what they really want at the BerkeleyRep is a "take-home experience" where "the whole ride is a good ride," which I thought was a really good way to characterize Alan Brown's findings. And maybe why BerkeleyRep seems so successful.

Alan Brown mentioned that some organizations such as the Walker are bringing feedback into their overall program with the "SpeakEasy": "SpeakEasy Meet at the back of the Balcony Bar after every Saturday dance and Out There performance for an
informal dialogue with a Walker tour guide and a local choreographer or theater artist. Think book club, but with a performance. Jump into the discussion or just listen in as others hash it out after the show. Your questions. Your answers. Risk-free."


Unknown said…
Thanks James, great to read this. I really enjoyed thinking about the case that this supports for marketing - not just as a way to bring folks to the institution - but also as a way to influence the anticipation level, which will actually affect the impact and enjoyment of the visit! Nice twist.

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