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Check out givezooks! - online fundraising for nonprofits and grassroots campaigns

I want you to take a look at: givezooks! - online fundraising for nonprofits and grassroots campaigns 

Tehiyah Board President Adam Mizock writes:

Marathon for Tehiyah

My goal is to run the California International Marathon on December 5, 2010 in Sacramento and to raise $10,000 for Tehiyah Day School. I hope to encourage friends, family and the East Bay community to join me in giving to Tehiyah.

Tehiyah has enriched my family's life through its education of our children and its impact on our community. I am currently in my fifth year as President of Tehiyah's Board of Trustees. I have been inspired by the way our students and graduates take the Tehiyah curriculum to heart as they engage in lifelong learning (l'midah), social justice and giving to those in need (tzedakah) and making the world a better place (tikkun olam). Tehiyah's curriculum is brought to life by our students and teachers through interactive experiential learning. This year I decided to stretch my own experience and endurance by aiming to run a marathon for the first time. Until this summer, I had never run more than six miles. But, with Tehiyah's mission in mind, I've been pushing myself to run farther and farther.

I have pledged to give $50 for every mile I run. If I complete the marathon, that will be $1300. The company I work for will match my gift, so I'll be more than 25% of the way toward my goal of $10,000.

Please join me with a per mile pledge of any amount!
$20 per mile = $520
$10 per mile = $260
$5 per mile = $130
$1 per mile = $26

Be a lead sponsor: Everyone will be recognized for their gift, but if anyone pledges more than $1,000 (at least $40 per mile), I will put your name on my shirt and wear it proudly for the entire marathon.

I am training for the marathon with Benjamin Marcus, a parent at Oakland Hebrew Day School. Ben is also fundraising for OHDS. Together, Ben and I hope to strengthen the East Bay's Jewish day schools. Thank you for your support!


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