Gulliver's Travels: A Signature Performance by David Hyde Pierce by Jonathan Swift
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
While the book and this reading take some time to warm up to, by the time you get passed the cartoon-like images that wend away in the popular mind around the concept of Gulliver's Travels, and surpass the potential Disney-esque sound and presentation of David Hyde Pierce's voice, the original tone of Swift as an early 18th c. satirist with a seeming encyclopedic understanding for world knowledge by which he can take the ironic tone he does rings out true and loud and so relevant to this age. The Classic nature of this work is inspiring, as true as a surviving Platonic discourse or astounding as Melville's how-the-heck-did-he-do-it-before-the-internet global grasp in his whale book.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
While the book and this reading take some time to warm up to, by the time you get passed the cartoon-like images that wend away in the popular mind around the concept of Gulliver's Travels, and surpass the potential Disney-esque sound and presentation of David Hyde Pierce's voice, the original tone of Swift as an early 18th c. satirist with a seeming encyclopedic understanding for world knowledge by which he can take the ironic tone he does rings out true and loud and so relevant to this age. The Classic nature of this work is inspiring, as true as a surviving Platonic discourse or astounding as Melville's how-the-heck-did-he-do-it-before-the-internet global grasp in his whale book.
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