Go see this show please at Toomey Tourell Fine Art in San Francisco at 49 Geary Street. Take the elevator, go down the hall. It's like Silence of the Lambs , when they arrive in Lecter's holding area and find the police officer flayed and hung up in the air, dead and resplendent. Indeed there's blood everywhere, but it is all paper and string, cut and falling, elegant and wispy, stark and heavy. Go see this Lyndi Sales , for you will hear her name again. The show is sold out. It's mad in this economy, but this quaint little show is littered with the telling red pins of American art galleries -- "They're sold." From Toomey Tourell -- A brief rationale on the work[by the artist]: All the works I created are part of the airline crash series. The Helderberg crash happened 20 years ago during the Apartheid era and remains unresolved and is still a controversial issue today in South Africa. At the time of the crash there were political sanctions against our...