I am spending time synergizing Frances Frei and Anne Morriss' Uncommon Service with Wendy Pollock and Kathleen McLean's Convivial Museum . It is at the intersection of these two works that I hope to be focusing some of my work in the coming months and years, assessing the balance and importance of the visitor experience and the "content piece." It is the shared experience that seems paramount in the present day, and our museum field is telling us this, right? On the other hand, what are we, if we are not educators? Illuminators? It is, in fact, at the intersection of these two things --conviviality and uncommon service that the transformative outcome can blossom. This is the perfectly tepid-to-steamy bathwater environment where good things grow; where we are cleansed and revitalized. From here, we can shock, teach through participation and invigorate. The quality of aliveness we see in these images is what we call conviviality. We chose the ...