JTA is a national Jewish news service.
In 1917, during the waning days of World War I, a 25-year-old journalist named Jacob Landau had a vision...And so, Landau founded the Jewish Correspondence Bureau, later renamed the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
JTA recently started a blog on philanthropy. It's a nice resource...
And in a recent article distributed by JTA about the opening of the Contemporary Jewish Museum, I was quoted:
Another defining characteristic is that the museum will maintain no permanent collection, but will host temporary and traveling exhibitions.
That’s partly due to its proximity to Berkeley’s Judah L. Magnes Museum, which owns the country’s third largest Judaica collection. The two institutions are still smarting from an abortive merger effort that collapsed several years ago, and are eager not to step on each other’s toes.
In fact, one of the Contemporary Jewish Museum’s opening exhibits is on loan from the Magnes, highlighting what both institutions envision as a close ongoing cooperation.
“They’re doing something totally wonderful and unique,” says James Leventhal, the development director at the Magnes. “They are carving out new ground..."
It showed up in all the national Jewish Newspapers -- even in my hometown of Baltimore! (Well, actually, I didn't grow up in Baltimore...I grew up in Columbia...still, I liked seein' it.)