O.M.G. I found Neva. She "left" the Chronicle, but here she is now: safe and sound on the innernetz. Thank you, Neva, for being so brave to be out (t)here, amongst (them)us.
She wrote some time ago about giving up on too many blog addresses, but it looks like her myspace is the one for now...
In her last words in the SF Chron she wrote: "I'll ponder these questions and more as they arise ... but not here. I do tend to exaggerate, but I wasn't kidding when I said this would be my final column. My feet are itching, which either means I've contracted fungus or it's time for me to move on. Latest plan: teaching Derrida to Sherpas on Mount Everest. I hear Kathmandu is the place to be. I'll leave a textual trail for those who care to follow it. In closing, I must point out that you're all very strange for spending years reading a column penned by a hideous cartoon..."
To see sexy pitcher of Darth Vader, thanks to Neva's web snoofing click here.