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FW: okapi

The Scholar’s Box is a four-year U.S. Department of Education project to develop models for creating and sharing open and reusable digital collections to improve campus scholarship and K-12 education. The Scholar’s Box is supported in part by the US Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE Grant # P116B040739).

Leah Wittman, Project Lead
Amy Kimball, Finance Manager
Elizabeth Ha, Media Production Manager


Raymond Yee’s Scholar’s Box Software
An early inspiration for this project

Mankita, Isaac et al. “A Handful of Things:Calisphere’s Themed Collections from the California Digital Library” D-Lib Magazine. May 2006.
Describes data gathering and design process of Calisphere Themed Collections.

Scholar’s Box eLiterature Review

Case Studies of Digital Collections Use

Focus Group Report:

Catalia Digitization Lab:
Created to pilot digitization and digital asset management services

Curiosity Box
An effort to collect feedback and “prized research and teaching resources” from a broad range of faculty. This project is on hold.

Anthropology Digital Resource Pool:
Designed to facillitate sharing of digital research and teaching materials

Open Archaeology Collection
Open access materials for teaching archaeology

Remixing Catalhoyuk

This multimedia exhibit shares the products and process of an international team of archaeologists

Okapi Island in Second Life

An offshoot of the Remixing Catalhoyuk project and an effort to explore the project goals within the more immersive, social, and participatory environment of Second Life

Omeka Theme

Our Omeka theme will provide an open source solution for publishing our digital collections

Media Vault Program

Many of the technologies and practices pioneered in the Scholar’s Box have been folded into the campu-wide Media Vault Program


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